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Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay was one of five locations where attendees participated in an interactive day focused on health care quality in the region.

Throughout the day, local communities, front-line clinicians, patients, and leaders from health care, public health, and local Indigenous and Francophone communities:

  • Explored opportunities to work together to advance the Northern Ontario Health Equity Strategy – a new plan for achieving health equity in the North, by the North
  • Built existing and new relationships with health sectors and local communities
  • Identified opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge on health care service delivery and planning for northern communities
  • Explored the nuances of the quality of health care in urban, rural and remote settings across Ontario
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Northern Ontario School of Medicine – Lakehead University
995 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5E1
Room: MSW 1011
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This location joined plenary presentations broadcast from Toronto and participated in two breakout sessions:

  • A morning session for participants in Sudbury and Thunder Bay focused on health care priorities in Northern Ontario, and
  • An afternoon session on Joy in Work, joining delegates in Toronto and Thunder Bay.
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  • Schedule
  • Morning Breakout Session
  • Afternoon Breakout Session